Several problems can arise during a family road trip, from flat tires to minor fender benders. A car emergency kit can help you handle both minor and major roadside emergencies.
Since every family is different, it is important to customize your emergency kit to suit the unique needs of each family member. Doing so makes car travel safer and less stressful.
What to Put in a Car Emergency Kit
Start off with a strong canvas bag or a plastic storage bin for the necessities. Every roadside emergency kit should include the following items:
- First aid kit, including aspirin or ibuprofen
- Jumper cables
- Road flares
- Blanket
- Flashlight and fresh batteries
- Tire pressure gauge
- Pocket knife or multipurpose tool
- Bottled water
- Non-perishable food
- Toilet paper
- Paper towels
- Cell phone charger
- Lighter or strike-anywhere matches
- Pen and paper
- Winter weather clothing when seasonally appropriate
If you have more space available, consider including some or all of the following items as well:
- Fire extinguisher
- Wiper fluid
- Motor oil
- A small toolkit
- Duct tape
- Gas can
Once you’ve stocked up on the basics, you can customize your kit to suit the needs of each member of your family. Some items to consider keeping in your kit for emergencies and to make road travel more comfortable include:
Babies/Young Children
- Snacks
- Powdered formula
- Diapers and baby wipes
- Garbage bags
- A change of clothes
- Children’s medication for the first aid kit
- A comfort item, such as a toy or stuffed animal
- A deck of cards or other compact games
- Feminine hygiene products
- Hard candy
- Books
Elderly Family Members
- Spare eyeglasses
- Hearing aid batteries
- Prescription medications
- Medical alert info
- Style/serial numbers for medical devices such as pacemakers
- Medicare card or medical insurance information
- Emergency specialist contacts
Family Members with Special Medical Needs
- Prescription allergy medications
- EpiPen
- Inhaler
- Insulin supplies and diabetic snacks
- Allergy-friendly snacks
- Medical and prescription information
- Pet food and treats
- Blanket or towel
- Lead and harness that fit your pet comfortably
- Vet information
- Puppy pads
- Toys
Once you’ve created your emergency kit, make sure that the members of your family know where it is in the vehicle and what it contains. You may even want to print out a list of each item and tape it to the kit. Do not forget to replenish what you use within your kit. Check for and replace expired medications and snacks regularly.
Katy Care for Car Emergencies
At Dillon’s Automotive, we know how important safety is for a family road trip. If you have questions about how to prepare for a family road trip and what to put in a car emergency kit,contact us today. We are also here to provide a check-up of your vehicle before a trip and repair any damages you may sustain along the way.